Presentations, Workshops and/or Consulting
50 minute consult conversation with Dr. Justin Hopkins on trauma-informed practices and cultural heritage sites. September 17, 2024.
New York University, Museum Evaluation course, April 18, “Visitor Research and Evaluation.”
New York University, Education in Art Museums course, April 5, “Trauma-informed Practices, Well-Being, and the Human Experiences in Museums.”
Royal Ontario Museum, April 4, “Trauma-informed Inquiry, Facilitation, and the Visitor Experience.”
Brock University, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, February 12, Walker Cultural Leader series public talk on “Trauma-informed inquiry, Facilitation, and the Visitor Experience: Jackie Armstrong Presents the 21st Century Museum.”
Brock University, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, January 22, Slow Looking + Art” Presentation for the course “Methods and Principles of Curating.”
National Coast Guard Museum, Consulting on Trauma-informed interpretive text panels and visitor experience
MoMA Trustee Committee for Learning and Engagement Retreat, October 4, Panel on “Understanding How the Arts Can Support Well-Being”
Forum for Leadership in Art Museum Education, June 21, “Trauma-informed Principles and Values: Considerations for Museums and Staff”
MoMA, Learning Specialists, March 22, “Trauma-informed Practices and Implications on Social Emotional Learning”
M+ (West Kowloon Cultural District of Hong Kong), March 13, “Trauma-informed Principles and Values: Considerations for Museums”
National Gallery of Canada, March 2 and May 26, “Trauma-informed Principles and Values: Considerations for Museums and Staff”
MuseumNext, February 6, “What Do We Risk By Not Building Trauma-Informed Practices into Museum Work?”
National Art Education Association Conference, March 3, “Integrating Trauma Aware Practices into Slow Looking" (with Hannah Fagin, Adelia Gregory, and Annie Leist)
Maryland Institute College of the Arts, April 14, “Trauma-informed Practices, Art + People: A Powerful Combination”
Glenstone Museum, May 18, “Trauma-informed Principles and Values: Considerations for Museums”
The Association of Art Museum Curators, March 4, “Collective Trauma, Loss & Grief” (with Cara Page)
Presentation to College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas, November 19, “Trauma and Trauma-informed Practices: Relevance in Museums”
NAEA Peer2Peer: Trauma Aware Art Education, November 11 and 16, “Trauma Aware Art Museum Education” (with Laura Evans, Stephen Legari, Andrew Palamara, Ronna Tulgan Ostheimer, and Emily Wiskera)
Museum Computer Network (MCN), November 1, “Empowered Data: Strategies for Evaluating Visitors’ Experiences with Technologies”
American Alliance of Museums (AAM), May, “Mining Your Data” (with Karen Plemons & Sheri Levinsky Raskin, moderated by Lynn Dierking)
Rubin Museum of Art. Museum Career Fair, Education Panel.
New York City Museum Educators Roundtable Annual Conference, “Mining Your Data: New Ways of Using What You Have” (with Karen Plemons and Sheri Levinsky Raskin)
New York City Museum Educators Roundtable Annual Conference, “Activating the Museum Through Pop-Up Experiments in Visitor Engagement” (with Sara Bodinson, Sarah Kennedy, and Stephanie Pau)
Visitors Studies Association, “Roving Gallery Guides at MoMA: From Idea to Pilot to Program”
New York City Museum Educators Roundtable Annual Conference, “Strategies for Evaluating Visitors’ Experiences Using Technologies” (with Karen Plemons)
Practice and Progress: The MoMA’s Alzheimer’s Project Exchange, “Investigating Evaluation”
New York City Museum Educators Roundtable, “Outside-the-Box Evaluation Strategies” (a two hour interactive workshop on innovative evaluation techniques held at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, with Karen Plemons)
New York City Museum Educators Roundtable Annual Conference, “Writing Effective Interpretive Labels for Art Exhibitions: A Nuts and Bolts Primer” (with Sara Bodinson and Stephanie Pau)